Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Why Acne problems and its effective solutions

Why Acne problems and its effective solutions

Acne problem is common in all age men and women. Acne problem generally affects teenager but it is not common only in teenager. In their 20’s or even in 40’s you can face acne problems also. Acne can affect your face, neck, chest, back, shoulders and arms. Acne problem is not dangerous for your life but it may change your appearance in society. You can get scar at your face and these scars make your pretense ugly. Acne appears at your body due to excess production of sebum by the sebaceous glands in the pores of the skin.

What are sebaceous glands?

Sebaceous glands are finding in whole body of the human except palm and soles of the feet. Generally, these are associated with hair follicles. Sebum is the mixture of fat and wreckage of dead fat (producing by cells). Generally, the sebum is deposited on the hairs inside the follicles and brought up to the surface of the skin along the hair shaft. In hairless areas, the sebum surfaces through ducts or pores. Sebum lubricates and protects the hair and skin, preventing it from drying out and creating irritating, itchy patches. Sebum is generally odorless, but its bacterial breakdown can produce odors.

Why produce of sebum?

Sebum is beneficial for healthy skin because it make skin moist, supple and waterproof. Sebum makes a hydro-lipid system with other natural oils and this system is act as barrier for outer substances and keeps water inside the body for as long as possible. Weaker system may cause of dry skin. Sebum may produce terribly because of poor hygiene, stress, greasy foods or some time glandular activities accelerated, especially during adolescence. Excessive secretion of sebum may be the cause of acne and it may produce some kind of baldness and other kind of skin disorders.

Acne Treatment

In this clinical age, there are so many acne treatments. Some of the treatments are as follows.

Benzoyl Peroxide

Acne treatment can be very effective in treating mild cases of non-inflammatory acne. It is safe for children as well as adults, and may combine with other topical or oral treatments. Benzoyl peroxide works by destroying acnes, the bacteria that causes the condition acne. It acts as an antiseptic and oxidizing agent, reducing the number of comedowns, or blocked pores.

Antibiotics for acne treatments

There are several antibiotics in market. For getting effective one for your acne problem, you should consult with some dermatology specialist who can give you best treatment.

Salicylic Acid Acne treatments

Salicylic acid and glycolic acid can be effective in acne treatment. For milder acne, salicylic acid helps clean out pores to resolve and prevent lesions. Its effects stop when you stop using it, so your skin will return to its uneven shedding; pores become clogged, and acne returns.

Dermatologist London

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

3-Phase of hair growth, Can you control them.

Hair, it is the essential part of our body. It services a number of purposes by providing insulation from heat/cold, giving color to the skin and enhancing beauty. Whenever you face hair loss problem, it make you worry but losing around 100 hair daily can be consider in normal condition. It is simply the result of the natural hair growth cycle, similar to an 'on-off' system. This means that when an old hair ‘dies’, the growing phase starts again for a new hair to replace it. However, more hair loss can get you near baldness.

The hair growth cycle has three different phases:

Phase 1 – Anagen

Phase 2 – Catagen

Phase 3 – Telogen

Anagen- This growth phase works between two and eight years. During the anagen phase, the growth cells in the papilla rapidly divide and produce the hair shaft, which becomes keratinized as it pushes up and out of the follicle into the pore. At the same time, the follicle grows down into the deeper levels of the dermis (skin) to get nourishment. People who have long anagen growth rates are able to grow very long hair and others have short growth phases and cannot grow very long hair. Hair grows at a rate of about a ½ inch per month, so a hair left uncut will grow to a length of between 12 inches and 48 inches.

Catagen - The Anagen phase is followed by a brief two to four week Catagen phase or transitional phase. This is part of a renewal process where the follicle is literally degraded and the hair stops growing but does not fall out. During the Catagen phase the hair follicle shrinks to about 1/6 of the normal length. The lower part is destroyed, the dermal papilla breaks away, the bulb detaches from the blood supply and the hair shaft eventually is pushed up as the follicle disintegrates.

Telogen - The follicle then goes into the Telogen or resting phase for two to four months, during this time the hair still does not grow but remains attached to the follicle while the dermal papilla is in a resting phase below. Approximately 10-15 percent of all hairs are in this phase at any one time.

After the Telogen phase, the cycle is complete and the hair goes back into the Anagen phase. It is at this time when the new hair shaft is forming that the old hair is pushed out and lost.

Dermatologist London