Tuesday, November 13, 2007

What is Allergy

Allergic Hypersensitivity simply put, is an adverse immune reaction to a protein (or allergen) in our environment, which is normally harmless to the non-allergic person. It may present as mild itching of the skin, tissue swelling and wheezing or even progress to full-blown anaphylaxis and death. Only a small proportion of the population exposed to an allergen will develop an allergic reaction. 18 million allergy sufferers live in the UK where 4% of the populations also have a food allergy.

Common Allergic Manifestations include Asthma, Allergic Rhinitis or Hayfever, Atopic Eczema, Contact Dermatitis, Urticaria or Hives, Food Allergy, Allergic Conjunctivitis, Wasp Venom Allergy and allergy to Medication such as Penicillin.

Allergy Testing

Allergy testing is the only way to find out if you’re allergic. It is also the only way to find out which allergens are causing your allergic condition. Once you know what you are allergic to, it is much easier to avoid your allergens and treat your symptoms.

There are different kinds of Allergy testing to find out allergens.

  • Prick Skin Testing
  • Intradermal Skin Testing
  • Blood Testing
  • Patch Skin Testing
  • Food Challenge
  • Alternative (Unproven) Methods

Our Dermatologists are providing different kind of allergy treatments in London. Our dermatologists are well experienced and very punctual, professional in there services. We are providing medical services with confidence.

For more information log on : http://www.the-dermatology-centre.co.uk/allergies.html