Tuesday, December 4, 2007

You are What you Eat - Supplements for Acne

Acne can seem like an invisible foe that shows up at the worst possible time, in the worst possible place. But don't despair! Smart skincare has a host of new treatments to help alleviate the appearance of acne, including dietary supplements!

Acne is a common skincare concern faced by many people, especially teenagers. And while many of us are quick to grab a cream or ointment in our haste to make bumps go away, there may be one other treatment for blemishes that you haven't tried: eating them away! It's no secret that taking a multi-vitamin on a daily basis is good for the entire body, but did you know that there are acne-specific vitamins and minerals that you can take to help clear the skin of blemishes, as well?

Before starting to take any skincare supplement, remember that supplements are just that: a supplement a healthy lifestyle. They are not miracle cures for acne and they need to be taken with care and caution. If you are taking any medications, consult with your doctor before starting to take any sort of dietary supplement. There are many dietary supplements that may help strengthen and protect the skin from the bacteria that cause acne, but a few of the most effective are: vitamins A, C, E, biotin, zinc and silicon. Not only can each of these supplements be taken individually to help with acne, they can also be combined for a synergistic affect.

The A-C-E Team

Vitamin A supports new cell growth and also helps regulate sebum production in the skin. Often seen as the enemy, sebum is a thin, watery substance that the body naturally produces to keep the skin moisturized and protected. However, some people have over-active sebum glands, which can result in too much sebum. When too much sebum is present on the skin, it can mix with dead skin cells, dirt and oil, creating a perfect breeding ground for blemishes or acne. To treat all the effects of blemishes, as well as prevent further outbreaks, try Murad Pure Skin Clarifying Supplement, a twice-per day oral supplement that contains Vitamin A, C and E, biotin and zinc for overall skin clarity and health.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid), found in oranges, grapefruit, lemons and limes is another acne buster that is easy to add into the diet. Add sliced fruit to water or tea, squeeze the juices into ice cube trays before freezing, or simply eat the fruit to enjoy some of the many benefits of this hard-working vitamin. Ascorbic acid is required for tissue growth and healthy gums, aids in reducing levels of harmful cholesterol, and improves the texture and clarity of the skin by boosting collagen production, both when ingested and applied topically. In addition to eating Vitamin C, apply Vitamin C to the skin for a two-pronged attack against breakouts: MD Skin Care Alpha Beta Daily Face Peel is a two-step, thirty day peel kit for blemished skin which features Vitamin C and salicylic acid.

Vitamin E, another major anti-oxidant which helps combat acne, is also a super-potent scavenger of free radicals. In the body, Vitamin E protects cells from lipid oxidization and supports healthy cholesterol levels. Found in a large variety of foods, it's not hard to get this vitamin into the diet: avocadoes, corn, dark, leafy green vegetables, whole grains, eggs, sweet potatoes, oatmeal and many other foods contain Vitamin E. It also features prominently in most multi-vitamins: N.V. Perricone Physician's Super Antioxidant not only has potent doses of Vitamin E, but A and C, as well as biotin, zinc and dozens of other beneficial herbs and minerals.

Biotin, a B vitamin, is also necessary for healthy hair and skin, and aids in cell growth and fatty acid production. Found in cooked egg yolks, milk, poultry, saltwater fish and whole grains, this helpful vitamin is also produced by the intestines so an adult deficiency is rare. Many skincare companies are savvy to the benefits of this vitamin, as well, and it is popping up in skincare products and blemish treatments alike, such as: Pure Inventions Multi-Vitamin Plus and NeoStrata Oil Free Lotion - SPF 15.

Mineral Magic

Minerals are also important supplements to include in an acne-blasting skincare diet, especially zinc and silicon. An essential mineral, zinc is needed for protein synthesis and collagen production and it helps speed the healing of wounds and boosts the immune system. In addition, zinc may also help prevent acne when taken internally. Found naturally in egg yolks, fish, lima beans, mushrooms, whole grains, seafood, oysters, pecans and poultry, you can also apply it topically to help ease the appearance of blemishes. Murad Acne Spot Treatment combines zinc with sulphur, glycolic acid and salicylic acid to reduce redness and inflammation.

Silicon is also a defender of clear and glowing skin. Often seen in skincare products as silica, silicon is the one of the most abundant elements on the planet (second only to oxygen) and is needed for the formation of collagen, and to maintain healthy hair, skin and nails. It is also beneficial in the treatment off osteoporosis and in preventing cardiovascular disease. You can find silicon in beets, rolled oats, bell peppers, brown rice, leafy green vegetables and whole grains and it can also be found in skincare, as well. Murad Eye Treatment Complex SPF 8, Cellex-C Advanced C Skin Toning Mask and Philosophy Supernatural Air Brushed Canvas SPF all contain silica, as well as other anti-oxidants and vitamins to improve skin function and clarity.

Long Term Results

As with any new diet, results may take time so don't lose faith if you start taking supplements to help combat acne yet still continue to see spots for another few weeks. At least one month of consistent supplementation is the minimum you should give yourself to see results and happily, some will see a clearing of the acne much sooner. Boost your diet with skin-friendly foods and investigate supplements for a rock-solid foundation to beat the acne blues!

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