Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Effective Acne Treatment Must Attack the Root Cause

An effective acne treatment must attack the root cause of acne - the excess oil that forms in the skin. That excess oil comes from glands in the skin. Those glands contain the natural chemicals that are needed for the formation of skin oils. An effective acne treatment must either do away with any excess amount of oil or must block the biochemical pathway that permits the natural synthesis of skin oils. At an optimal level, the production of skin oils encourages the creation of a shiny and youthful-appearing skin. When skin contains the proper amount of oil, then a teenager can feel content to look in the mirror, and to see his or her healthful face. When facial skin contains too much oil, then the same individual must often view a pimply face in the mirror. An effective acne treatment puts an end the production of excessive amounts of oil. Literature on the latest acne treatment indicates that it carries out its important function by blocking the enzyme that catalyzes the formation of DHT (dihydrotestosterone). Why does such an action inhibit the formation of excess sebum in the skin? The hormone referred to as DHT is the product of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction. That reaction takes place when testosterone molecules in the blood mix with the 5 alpha reductase in the skin cells. That mixing leads to the production of DHT. The formation of DHT in the skin cells then paves the way for the formation of added amounts of skin oil. When an adolescent has a large amount of testosterone in his or her facial skin, or when he/she has highly active reductase enzymes in the skin, then that teen is apt to have very oily skin. A teenager with oily skin must frequently deal with recurring bouts of acne. That is why teens who suffer from acne flare-ups have reason to give this new acne treatment a careful examination. Such an examination should show the acne-prone teenager that he or she can use that new acne treatment to launch a powerful, three-pronged attack - an attack on the factors that contribute to the formation of acne pimples. The real beauty of the new treatment for acne comes not from the product's effectiveness, but from its ability to deliver a triple punch More importantly, that triple punch comes from a product that does not demand careful and time-consuming product application.
Source: Acne Treatment Consultant